Corporate Services

CMD Group, established in 1994,  are experts in professional training and development with the sole purpose of improving Business Performance through a variety of corporate services.

We are focused on helping organisations to recruit, develop, engage and retain their key employees at all levels. We will work with you every step of the way to help you maximise your workplace potential through your teams.

At CMD Group we work with the most trusted and accurate employee assessment tools in the industry. These tools assist organisations throughout the entire HR process, (recruiting, developing, engaging and retaining employees) helping them to become more productive and efficient overall, reflecting in the bottom line.

We back this data driven and predictive technology with expert coaching and training to engage and develop your teams to their potential.

Our Corporate Services

Leadership Development through CMD Group focuses on taking a bespoke approach to developing the specific leadership qualities and abilities of your team members.

Leadership Coaching at CMD Group will unlock your true potential. We use results focused tools to develop your Leadership & Management skills.

Creating a highly talented and cohesive Management Team underpins business competitiveness and the ability to succeed in an ever-changing marketplace.

CMD Group have devised a dynamic programme to empower Women in Leadership roles. “Leading from Within” is a tailored programme with 1-1 Coaching and Workshops.

CMD Group will help you and your company create a culture where employees give their all using our range of engagement tools that measure and foster both group and individual engagement and fulfilment scores.

We provide comprehensive & effective Talent Management Solutions: Recruitment | Employee Development | Retention | Engagement | Management Development.

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Online Learning

CMD Group facilitate learning through our online learning platform with 24/7 access. We also hold in person classes, or virtual classes and workshops via Zoom, as required, for your team. 

Our Remote Workforce Analytics allows you to measure and understand employees’ capacity to work remotely and how leaders need to adjust their management style to help employees succeed in a remote environment.

With the expertise of CMD Group, you can formulate an action plan to start working on your business rather than in your business.

Selection of CMD Group Clients
How we work

We have the knowledge, tools and expertise to troubleshoot, analyse performance gaps and develop those areas so that your business can perform at its optimum.
We provide bespoke training, development and coaching based on trusted Leadership & Management specialised knowledge and best practices.
Our Leadership & Executive Coaching is backed by highly researched Harrison Assessments and Paradoxical Leadership Technology
We have a variety of services for the corporate market and as experts in developing business performance, we can also tailor a programme to suit your specific Business needs.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)