Interview Coaching

Interview Coaching

Interview Coaching at CMD Group focuses on you and the role that you are applying for. We guide you to best practice so that you can stand out from the crowd, to build confidence and sell your best self at interview. Coaching may be in person or via zoom.

The Benefits:

Personalised 1-1 Coaching Session
Learn how to "Sell Yourself" at interview
Develop a strategy for the Interview
Understand the Structure of Competency Interviews
Build Confidence in your preparation
Be Pro Active in your Career Development

At CMD Group we have a proven track record of working with individuals on a 1-1 basis in order to help them to create a focused and strategic approach to preparing for interview.

We work with those interviewing for positions in both the public and private sector, transferring career and those looking for in-house promotion.

Interviews are a daunting prospect for most, and having a structured strategy for your preparation will help you to be focused and contribute to your confidence on the day.

We repeatedly receive feedback of success from our clients, and this is because they now have the structure in place and have a focused plan for preparation. This all contributes to confidence and an ability to clearly deliver yourself as the ideal candidate.

We also provide Career Coaching and Professional Coaching for those that want to be more pro-active in their career develoment.

Coaching sessions may be in person or via zoom.

Interview Coaching Testimonials

Contact Us For Interview Coaching

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)