
Coaching is a valuable resource for anyone serious about advancing their career. At CMD Group we believe that Coaching is the catalyst for people to achieve their professional potential and accelerate their career. Through the use of Harrison Assessments, we explore your personal work preferences and interests. This gives very specific insights into factors that drive and motivate you within your professional life. We will highlight your strengths while also identifying any areas that are holding you back from achieving your professional goals.  This very in depth information is the foundation for our 1-1 Coaching Sessions, when we will work on areas to allow you to action change and succeed.

Coaching is the art of inspiring and energising, while facilitating awareness, insight and development for a client.

Coaching Services @ CMD Group


Career Coaching at CMD Group will help you to identify your natural skills and talents, highlight your key strengths and areas that would benefit from development, so that you can find your right path and excel in your future career.


Professional Coaching at CMD Group is a powerful tool to help you to progress and unlock your true potential. We highlight your interpersonal, achievement and leadership strengths and any aspects which may be blocking your success.


Leadership Coaching at CMD Group is focused on the traits and behaviours that impact our ability to lead, mapped against highly successful Leaders & Managers. We highlight your strengths and any areas that may benefit from development.
Harrison Assesments Authorised Partners Logo

“CMD Group are an authorised solution partner of Harrison Assessments. We use research-based predictive analytics and reports as the starting point for Coaching to develop your skills as a leading executive in your business”

Coaching at CMD Group is a solution based approach and starts with the Harrison Assessments SmartQuestionaire

This highly researched tool allows you to clearly see your work preferences, motivating driving factors, strengths and potential derailers, presented in a Professional Profile Report format.

Using your Professional Profile as the foundation, coaching allows you to truly understand yourself, your strengths and areas for development, create an actionable plan and allow you to achieve your full potential.

Our aim is for you to gain insight, knowledge, and confidence as you progress in your career. Understanding the factors that drive you forward and the factors or patterns that are keeping you stuck. Through this process you unwrap your full professional potential working around a personalised framework for action.

Take That First Step and Make The Change

“CMD Group was very knowledgeable when I approached them to seek advice about what was then a transitionary period in my working career. The coaching had an extraordinary knack of being able to decipher my good and the bad traits and identify and prioritise my abilities. I found the experience of working with CMD Group in Coaching to be very fruitful and one that allowed me rejuvenate and change my outlook and career ambitions. “

Paul, Sligo 

CMD Group Logo

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)