Remote Workforce Analytics

Remote Workforce Analytics

CMD Group are authorised Solution Partners with Harrison Assesments, using comprehensive predictive and data driven analytics devised by Dr Dan Harrison . So, if remote work is new to your organisation or you have been doing it for years, you have likely experienced both the benefits and the challenges of getting things done away from the office environment. Our Remote Workforce Analytics allows you to measure and understand employees’ abilities to work remotely and how managers may need to adjust their management style to help employees succeed in a remote environment.

Watch the video to learn more.

Remote Work Analysis

Measure, understand and coach your employees' ability to effectively work remotely. Includes two behavioral competencies for Remote Productivity and Remote Communication and can be combined with Behavioral Success Analysis and Engagement & Retention Analysis.

Remote Leadership Analysis

Leaders often need to adapt their style for remote working. Includes two behavioral competencies for Managing Remote Productivity and Managing Remote Communication.

Sample Reports

– Click the picture to zoom in

At CMD Group we have years of experience working with companies using Harrison Assessments Analytics to facilitate employee development and engagement for business performance.

We now bring you Harrison Assesments “Remote Workforce Analytics” as a new element to our Talent Management Solutions for an ever changing work environment.

CMD Group Logo

Contact us today to have a no obligation discussion on how we can help you to better manage your HR requirements for Talent Management and Remote Working

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(10am - 05 pm)