Professional Coaching

Professional Coaching

Benefits of Professional Coaching

Clarity of Career Goals & Direction with Action
Deep Insight & Awareness into Your Strengths & Areas for Development
Develop Key Leadership & Management Skills
Professional Development for Career Progression
‘Accountability’ for Self Management and Managing the Performance of Others
Development of Communication, Motivation, & Sustainability of Results

The Professional Reports & Coaching sessions provide a  framework for your action plan to develop your career success.


The purpose of Professional Coaching with CMD Group is to empower you to maximise your professional potential. We give you the framework and the time to gain insight, awareness and clarity so that you can take control in the navigation of your own career. This leads to development so that you can achieve and sustain work success and satisfaction.

Professional Coaching is for you if you are a first line or newly appointed manager/supervisor or a professional with a desire for career progression in the future. 

What you get.....

  • Renewed energy towards Career
  • Deep In-Sight into your own Traits & Behaviours
  • A personalised in-depth Professional Profile 
  • Clarity of goals and a focused action plan
  • Increased potential & productivity
  • Increased self-awareness of personal strengths
  • Better prepared for increasing work demands
  • Navigate your own career potential and success

Reflective Process

Because this is very much a reflective process, we hold a mirror to your existing traits & behaviour patterns as they relate to your work. You will be presented with that information in clear and concise report format, which is your Professional Profile. 

In our sessions we will focus on your personal traits and behaviours that directly impact on your professional success. We will look at areas such as Communication, Motivation, Innovation, Sustaining Results and Decision Making.

The three Coaching sessions will facilitate personal reflection to allow for true clarity around your goals, your professional development and creating an action plan with accountability.

Contact Us

Complete Online Questionnaire

Coaching Sessions x 3

Action Plan


” I have been in a professional position for a number of years. I always knew that I wanted to progress my career , but did not have the confidence in my abilities. Having undertaken Professional Coaching with CMD Group I learned so much about my strengths. I learned to value what I had taken for granted, and was in a better position to leverage myself as a team leader. I also discovered my areas of weakness, such as communication and accountability. I was able to develop an action plan to address these areas. I am now in an executive position with a lot more autonomy and responsibility. This is the dream result for me. My confidence has grown, and my professional awareness is definitely more balanced. I highly recommend this coaching to anyone that wants to progress their career or gain more insight to their Professional Development. “- RD – Private Sector.

Contact Us For More Information

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Harrison Assesments Authorised Partners Logo

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)