Employee Engagement & Fulfilment

Employee Engagement & Fulfilment

Engaged employees are those who wholeheartedly give discretionary effort to help the company succeed. This happens when their individual engagement factors are being met to a satisfactory degree. Engagement is a shared responsibility between management and employee. 

CMD Group provides the framework to assess, develop and track the process. We do this by measuring each individual's specific engagement factors and fulfilment scores which is all done through one simple online Smart Questionnaire which will only take 25 minutes to complete. This allows both parties to develop opportunities and skills for mutually beneficial results in the long term. This approach yields great reward due to the individual aspect rather than a "one size fits all" strategy.

Traditional employee engagement surveys only measure general factors. They will not access the individual data that is crucial to each employee’s engagement.  Traditional approaches assume that only management is responsible for engagement.  

CMD Group take a unique approach using Harrison Assessments analytics tools. We measure individual engagement factors and fulfilment, along with group engagement. We view engagement as a shared responsibility between both employee and organisation. 

Employee Engagement Sample Reports

Are Employee Expectations Fulfilled?

How can you measure employee fulfilment? Analyse your organisation's fulfilment levels using the CMD Group and Harrison Employee Engagement Survey. You will then have an in-depth customised report which details the specific factors and fulfilment scores of your team including:
The most important expectations of your employees
The degree to which each important expectation is being fulfilled
The percentage of the employees that have a significant gap between important expectations and the degree to which they are fulfilled
Implications and predictions for future talent retention for specific teams, departments and the entire organisation.
Recommended actions the organisation needs to take
Identification of employees who are most at risk of disengagement or turnover and recommended intervention strategies

CMD Group as an authorised Harrison Solution Partner will help you and your company create a culture where employees give their all using our range of engagement tools that measure and manage both group and individual engagement and their fulfilment of those factors.

To understand individual employee engagement and fulfillment, you first need to know their motivations and employee expectations – and to the degree that those factors are being fulfilled.

You can then create a development plan, track and monitor progress over time. Thus creating a positive and progressive working environment to help you develop and retain key team members.

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Contact us if you would like more information regarding any of our Talent Management Analytics services from CMD Group

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