Leadership Development Training Programme

 A Leadership Development Programme can provide a range of benefits to both you and your employees. As a business leader, developing yourself and your team is one of the most important investments you can make. 

5 of the biggest benefits you can expect from such a programme

  1. Improved Employee Engagement: A well-designed Leadership Development Programme can help to improve employee engagement. By providing employees with the skills and knowledge to effectively lead their teams, organisations can create a more engaged and productive workforce.


  1. Increased Collaboration: A Leadership Development Programme can help to foster a culture of collaboration and teamwork. By providing employees with the tools to work together effectively, organisations can increase productivity and create a more unified workplace.


  1. Enhanced Communication: A Leadership Development Programme can help to improve communication between employees and managers. By increasing employees’ leadership skills, they can better communicate their ideas and concerns to their superiors. This can lead to increased trust and improved understanding between employees and managers.


  1. Increased Productivity: By providing employees with the knowledge and skills to effectively manage their teams, organisations can increase productivity. This can lead to improved efficiencies and cost savings for the business.


  1. Improved Retention: A well-designed Leadership Development Programme can help to improve employee retention. By providing employees with the skills and knowledge to become successful leaders, organisations can create a more engaged and loyal workforce.

“Develop your team for business results” – CMD Group

Our specially designed dynamic Leadership Development Programme combines formal learning based on 5 principles of management, combined with a leadership Assessment  and three 1-1 Leadership Coaching sessions for each participant.

By investing in a Leadership Development Programme, organisations can reap a range of benefits. Not only can organisations improve employee engagement, collaboration, communication, and productivity, but they can also increase employee retention and create a more unified workplace. Investing in the development of your employees is an investment in the future of your business.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)