Team putting hands together

Your Next Step

Developing People & Business through
Training, Development & Coaching

Get Started

Team in formal work clothes smiling

Give Your Company

the Advantage

Help nurture and grow the talent in your business
with a selection of corporate services from CMD Group

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Office space

Leadership for the future

Help nurture and grow the talent in your business
with expertise and guidance from CMD Group

Get Started
People in formal clothes at coffee table

One to One

Leadership Coaching

Experienced Coaches assisting you with Focus & Direction

Get Started
Woman thinking, idea sketch on blackboard behind her

Your Employment Future

Not sure where to start?

Start with us

Assess your career options to achieve your employment goals

Your Next Step

Developing People & Business through Training, Development & Coaching

With CMD Group


Who we are and what we do

CMD Group are experts in improving Business performance through developing people, Leaders and Management both as individuals and teams within the business sector.

Training & Development

Our services provide leading Training and Development practice and tools to allow you and/or your business to reach its true potential. We believe that people are the driving force behind every business, and as such we make it our business to improve your business.

Increase Value Further

We increase value further through our Business and Executive Coaching and as solution partners with Harrison Assessments we can delve deep in to the individual to identify strengths and gaps. This in depth approach unlocks potential and increases value.

Further Your Careers

CMD Group are established over the years in working with individuals that wish to further their careers through Harrison Assessments and Career Coaching, along with professional CV writing and Interview preparation.
With CMD Group

Honourable Partners

With CMD Group

Our Latest News

Contact us
We provide Business Performance Solutions across all public & private sectors.
Contact us to arrange a consultation.

Call for help:

(353)  71 9344908

Mail for information:

Head office address:

Bridgewater House,
Rockwood Parade
F91 Y9YY

Contact Us

We provide exceptional Training & Development for Public & Private Sector, Business Coaching, Leadership & Management Development, Executive & Career Coaching, Online Courses, Workplace Wellbeing Talks and Room Hire .

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)