Management Development Programme

There are many challenges facing leadership in a post Pandemic world.

How to Lead in a Post Pandemic World?

Covid19 has impacted the world in many ways. One common result has been the fact that so many people have evaluated what is important to them in life and work. As a result our workforce has changed their thought process on some level, and management must assess and evaluate how they manage this new mindset.

“”Leadership defines what the future should
look like, aligns people with that vision, and
inspires them to make it happen, despite the
obstacles.”” – John Kotter

What is leadership? Leadership is delivering a vision and directing people to achieve that vision. In that case, how a leader interacts with those people will be crucial. We have all been through a pandemic, and this has to have affected our thoughts towards our life on some level. 

What does this mean for Management? How do we approach leadership in a post pandemic world?

The workforce may have requests for new work scenarios, such as hybrid or remote working. Their requests will be informed by a variety of personal circumstances and that equates to people having different engagement factors.

To survive and thrive in a post Pandemic World, Managers will need to develop their skills in areas such as:

Empathy & Emotional Intelligence
Communication & Interpersonal Skills
Employee Engagement on an Individual Basis
Managing Remote or Hybrid Teams
Adaptability & Agility
Coaching Mindset
Self Management - Wellbeing & Stress Management
Fostering Positive & Inclusive Environments

Reflective Approach for Change

When managers are pro active in developing new skills as the world around us changes, they have a better chance of achieving success. The only thing constant is change, and preparing for change through development is key to success.

As managers we need to be adaptable to all of this change. We need to clearly understand that our teams are made up of individuals with very different needs and motivating factors. What drives one person may stall another. This is where measuring individual engagement and fulfilment is vital to having a fulfilled team to drive forward the shared vision.

How a manager interacts with the team will have a profound effect on the outcome. A leader needs to clearly understand themselves first and foremost. At CMD Group our approach to Leadership Development is very much a reflective process.  Fundamentally we need to understand how we interact with ourselves, with others, how we motivate and drive and how we assess and maintain our strategies for sustainable results.

This reflective process is at the heart of our  Leadership Development Programmes. Our programmes can be geared towards the individual leader or tailored for the Management Team of your company. It is only when we are aware that we can change, and work together for a shared common goal in a post Pandemic world.



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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)